Rosmarinus officinalis Upright Series

This upright, aromatic perennial has broad, green leaves. The series includes three flower colors varieties: `Upright Blue`, `Upright Rose` and `Upright White`. The plant grows up to 100-120cm (40-48")and develops to 60cm (24"`). The plant is native to Europe and North Africa.

Point of Sale:

This is a traditional perennial herb with many gardening and culinary uses. It offers additional flower colors to a rosemary corner.

Plant Characteristics

Growth HabitUpright
USDA Hardiness Zone7
Plant Height100 CM
Flowering PeriodSpring
Flower ColorBlue & Pink

Plant Growth

Planting Time All year
Light ExposureFull Sun
Growing Temp (°C)14+
Propagation UnitsRooted Cuttings, Unrooted Cuttings.
Available AsOrganic, Conventional.
Sales AreaEU, North America – URC Only.
Quantity Per Bag100
Recommended Pot Sizes (for retailers) Weeks Product Status
1L 12
Full sun or partial shade


*The variety data given in Hishtil's website has been received from the seed breeders and/or producers. Hishtil takes no responsibility or liability for the content.
*Do not use the information as a substitute for the instructions given by the seed companies, their agents or distributors.
*All growing information in Hishtil's website is based on methods and trials used in Israel and are given as general information guidelines only.
*All information details are not meant for use as substitute for the instructions given by the seed companies, their agents or distributors.
*All the pictures in this catalogue are shown for illustration purposes only.
*Availability is subjected to final screening and/or commercial decisions and is likely to change.