Mentha x piperita 'Strawberry'

  • Hardy perennial plant which will thrive anywhere

Mentha x piperita f. Citrata 'Orange'

  • Great for hot or cold drinks, especially because of the orange-mint flavor

Micromeria Fruticosa

  • Known for its medicinal properties

Ocimum herbalea 'Ajaka'℗

  • Herbalea varieties are the perfect combination of aroma, yield and ornamental value

Ocimum herbalea 'Dark Lady'℗

  • Herbalea varieties are the perfect combination of aroma, yield and ornamental value

Ocimum herbalea 'Red Ball'℗

  • Herbalea varieties are the perfect combination of aroma, yield and ornamental value

Ocimum herbalea 'Red Ball- Bonsai' Grafted

  • Herbalea varieties are the perfect combination of aroma, yield and ornamental value

Origanum Supreme

  • The #1 Origanum used in Italy!

Origanum vulgare

  • Small aromatic leaves, great for cooking
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