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First Name: Tomato
Tomato 'Andine Cornue'

- Andine Cornue has an outstanding sweet and tasty fruit with no acidity at all.
- Very fragrant fruit, without acidity.
- Precocity Early.
Tomato 'Rose De Berne'

- Beautiful, nicely-shaped fruit that has an excellent sweet flavor.
- It has a thin skin.
- Precocity Mid-early.
Tomato 'Buffalosteack' Grafted

- Fruit of large size with especially meaty flesh, few seeds
- Early in its category
- Productive and easy to grow
Tomato 'Cencara'

- Cencara F1 is a typical Roma-type on an indetermined plant.
- It produces fruity and sweet, beautiful bright red fruits.
- Cencara F1 can be stored at room temperature.
- It has no specific genes for ripening.
Tomato 'Chocoprevia'

- Red-brown skin and dark red flesh with a sweet flavor
- It is some days earlier than other brown tomatoes and has an i Intense sweet taste
- Precocity Mid-early
Tomato 'Cookie'

- Special shaped cherry type with a small tip at the top.
- Excellent taste.
- Precocity Very earlier.
Tomato 'Corazon'

- Sweet and melting flesh
- Very tasty tomato
- Vigorous and healthy plants
- Excellent young plant quality
Tomato 'Delizia'

- Flat and ribbed fruits.
- Very good vigour.
- Sweet flavour.
- Good results even under cold conditions.
Tomato 'Fleurette'

- Fleurette is a very vigorous variety.
- It produces high yield of large, red tomatoes with excellent flavor.
- As the fruit matures its green collar disappears.
- Precocity Early.
Tomato 'Gagliardo'

- New hybrid variety in the horn type with very even and fleshy fruits.
- Good yield and healthy plants.
- Precocity Mid-early.
Tomato 'Garance'

- Firm Fruit. Precocity Mid-early.
- Very high content of lycopene and vitamin C.
- To harvest when the fruit is totally red.
- Excellent tast quality.
- Garance is also easy to keep at room temperature with no specific genes concerning ripeness.
Tomato 'Gourmandia'

- Melthy-in-the-mouth just like a heart-shaped tomato.
- Highly productive, many fruits on each plant.
- Very fleshy and large fruits.
Tomato 'Grappelina'

- Mid-sized tross tomato producing firm fruits.
- Grappelina produces many fruits with excellent taste.
- Precocity Early.
Tomato 'Sungold' 'Gusta mini' Orange

- High yield cherry variety with surprisingly tasting, golden-yellow fruits.
- Very productive variety, 30 to 50 fruits per grape.
- High sugar rate. Excellent taste quality.
Tomato 'Kilates'

- A premium market product !
- Average cluster bears 7 to 11 fruits without any skin staining or cracking.
Tomato 'Noir De Crimee'

- Fleshy fruit with an excellent taste quality.
- Dark red-purple fruit.
- Precocity Mid-early.